Telecommunication station

This telecommunication station is located in the field. Consist of four parts:
The foundation: consist of concrete piles. These piles are 50 centimeters high and are parallel with each other. It is high enough to protect from the water flowing into the container in which the telecommunication equipment are set. The shape of the concrete is trapezoid. That make sure the station is stable enough.
The outer frame: The steel frame holds the inner shipping container and the telecommunication pole. The frame is fixed on the concrete by welding and screws. The telecommunication pole is fixed on the frame by flange and screws. And the inner container also is fixed with the frame by screws and locks. In a word the steel frame connects the four parts into one part.
The inner shipping container: the most important parts of the telecommunication station. All the electronic equipment are set in it. It is dry enough and cool enough. As the air controller is set on it. It is also stable enough as it is hard shipping container. There is a steel door on the short end. The maintenance personnel can enter into it from the door. There also is a steel ladder welded on one side of the shipping container. The maintenance personnel can shin up to the top of the shipping container. Four holes are necessary to through the telecommunication wires.
The telecommunication pole: it is 30 meters high and fixed on the steel frame by flange and screws. The cable catches the signal from the top of the pole and transports the signal into the equipment in the shipping container through the holes. There are steel ladder on the pole. So the maintenance personnel also can climb up to the top of the pole.
The station is made of hot steel and cold steel. So lightning rod is necessary and every part are connected with the ground.
As the images below: