31th Mar 2015. Reported from the show. The container multimodal transport showing is from Europe. Moved to china in 2014. 3360 visiters and 89 companies from 63 countries attended the show. It has become an important window for enlarging the market and build new cooperation. While reinforce the former relationship. It lasted three days from 24 Mar to 26. During the event the participator showed their civilization and products to the visitor whom come from many countries. Even though the theme of this showing is container multimodal transport. But the container house is closely related to it. One type container house is modified from the shipping container. During the three days, many visitors came to Haicheng`s Shell Scheme, chating with the sales, reading the catalogue, or watching the video. Attracted so many visitors. Some of them made an appointment to visit our factory. Haicheng container house enlarged the international market widely.